An Introduction to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a popular treatment for people experiencing the symptoms of hormone imbalance. As people age, their hormones naturally decline, leading to uncomfortable and often debilitating physical and emotional symptoms. Many of these symptoms can be alleviated by replenishing these hormones with HRT. This blog post will discuss why you might need hormone replacement therapy and how it works. 

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy? 

Hormone replacement therapy replaces lost hormones with synthetic hormones to alleviate symptoms caused by hormone imbalances. This includes estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), progesterone replacement therapy (PRT), etc. Depending on which hormones are being replaced, the type of treatment will vary; for example, most estrogen-replacement therapies involve taking a pill daily or using a topical cream or gel applied directly to the skin. 

Who Can Benefit from HRT? 

HRT is often used by women going through menopause who experience uncomfortable hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, and vaginal dryness due to low estrogen levels in their bodies. It’s also used by men experiencing low testosterone levels who suffer from erectile dysfunction or diminished energy levels. And it’s used by both men and women who struggle with mood swings or depression related to hormone imbalance.         

When Should I Get Tested for Hormone Imbalance? 

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above related to a hormone imbalance—such as hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, depression, and mood swings—it’s best to consult your doctor about testing for hormone levels before starting any treatment plan. Your doctor can recommend tests that measure your body’s current hormone levels so they can better recommend specific treatments based on what your body needs to restore balance.  

What Can You Do if You Can’t Take Hormone Therapy?  

If you’re unable to take hormone therapy, there are still a few steps you can take to manage menopausal hot flashes. Keeping calm and minimizing caffeinated beverages and alcohol can help. Additionally, consider calming breathing techniques or employing other relaxation strategies as helpful mechanisms for overcoming occasional hot flashes.

Nonhormone prescription medications may also be viable for those looking to address their discomfort related to hot flashes.

Vaginal concerns such as dryness or pain during sexual intercourse can be relieved using vaginal moisturizers or lubricants. Additionally, ospemifene (Osphena), a prescription medication, has been shown to reduce episodes of painful intercourse in some instances.

Hormone imbalance can cause a host of uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating physical and emotional symptoms that can be difficult to cope with daily. Thankfully, however, an effective solution is hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy offers a more natural treatment than manufactured products. Both men and women can deal with the harsh effects of hormonal imbalance, yet few look for treatment since there is rarely an immediate resolution. EvexiPel Superior Hormone Pellets offer unique, specialized help by providing vital hormones that the body may no longer create. 

Many side effects are typically written off as you age due to hormonal imbalances. However, Hormone Replacement Therapy can significantly impact reversing these effects. Symptoms such as fatigue, lack of motivation, trouble focusing and feeling mentally burned out, diminished memory, volatile mood swings, anxiousness, or even depression can be treated with HRT. Other side effects that may be improved with hormone therapy include difficulty sleeping and night sweats, unwanted weight gain, recurrent illnesses or colds, premature hair loss, and changes to skin texture like dryness or sagginess. Moreover, in women, the absence of regular menstrual periods can be effectively regulated by hormone trajectory. Listen to your body: if these signs appear and ‘something feels off,’ it could be time for a more specialized intervention such as Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Suppose you’re experiencing any symptoms related to hormonal imbalance, such as hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, or depression. In that case, you must consult with your doctor so they can recommend proper testing and treatment options tailored specifically for you. With the right course of treatment—which may include hormone replacement therapy—you will soon be back on track and feeling like yourself again!

Book your appointment for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy today at Newman & Co! Call us today!

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